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   Microshading (Microblading +     Shading)


Microshading is the combination of microblading and shading which is done by a handheld tool and machine. This technique creates a hairstroke of microblading look with soft powdered effect. It will add density and more of a defined look.

#1 Microshading (Microblading + Shading) Combo Package       $750

(*** includes touch-up at 4-6 weeks )


#2 Microshading Single Package $600

(Touch Up at 4-6 week $180)








Microblading is a procedure that uses tiny needles to mimic hair strokes.  The results are very natural and give the appearance of real hair. It is also referred to as eyebrow feathering, 3D brows, micro-pigmentation, semi-permanent makeup and embroidery brows.  The results last up to two years. A mini touch-up appointment is part of the process and included in the cost if booked 4-8 weeks after the initial appointment.  Additional touch-ups may be required with certain individuals.

#1 Microblading Combo Package      $ 700
(****includes touch-up at 5-6 weeks)


#2 Microblading  Single Package        $550                                                   (****Touch up at 5-6 weeks $180 )                                                           


           Ombre Powder Brows


Ombre Powder Brows are a type of permanent make-up, where through the manual process of inserting pigment into the upper layers of skin, creating the desired fullness and design of the eyebrows. This technique differs from Microblading in that we create a powdery filled brow similar to the look of makeup, as opposed to simulated hair. The tails of the brow are darker, and fade into a light start to the brow, giving that perfect ombre makeup affect!                                                                     

#1Ombre Powder Combo Package          $560

(*****includes touch-up at 5-6 weeks)


#2 Ombre Powder Single Package             $400

 (Touch up at 5-6 weeks $170)




        (from initial procedure)

  • 3 - 6 months    $170.00

  • 7 - 9 months    $190.00

  • 10 - 12 months  $200.00

  • 13 - 15 months  $250.00

  • 16 - 18 months  $300.00

  • 19 - 24 months  $350.00

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