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HIFU is a non-surgical, non-invasive facelift. It is said that HIFU is a revolutionary alternative to going under the knife.  It can lift and tone the face, neck and area around the eyes resulting in a natural uplift which proponents claim can take years off your face.


It is known as the treatment that they say keeps on giving initially gain may be small but over time the skin continues to tighten and improves in texture as it promotes collagen production. It can also be known as Ultherapy – the difference is the manufacturers name for their machine. 




HIFU stands for high intensity focused ultrasound and is an innovative, painless and non-invasive way to reduce wrinkles that lasts up to two years and is skin-friendly. Additional applications include face and brow lifting, tightening of the connective tissue and cellulite treatment. Highly concentrated ultrasound waves penetrate deep into the skin and stimulate collagen and elastin production. 40% of the result can be seen immediately after the treatment. 3-6 months later, the final result is visible. 


HIFU works by targeting deep down in the dermis layer of your skin, the same layer addressed in cosmetic surgery. The HIFU procedure by-passes the surface of the skin, and delivers targeted energy specifically into the deep, structural tissues where the collagen is produced. Its penetrating ultra-sound energy stimulates collagen production in both the deep dermal and sub dermal levels of the skin. It does this by delivering heat of up to 60 degree Celsius to those layers, which in turn creates a ‘micro injury’ which triggers a healing response. There is an initial skin tightening and as the tissue begins to repair collagen production is increased which results in further tighening over the next few months and ultimately a smoother and firmer looking the skin.


What Is High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound?


HIFU is also called Ultherapy, Ultrasound Facelift. It’s an advanced cosmetic technology that can significantly tighten as well as lift several areas of your face, improve the tone of your skin and reduce the ageing signs in one session, with potential effects that are long-lasting.


Ultrasound energy is used during the treatment to stimulate the deep layers supporting your skin. This creates an appearance that is lifted and tauter plus stimulates your body to produce collagen, which helps your skin in maintaining its youthful glow.


The technology of HIFU is unique in its capability to penetrate your dermis and the SMAS (superficial muscular aponeurotic system) layer, which is deeper compared to all other facial treatments that are non-invasive. The SMAS is the very layer that’s tightened during the process of conventional facelift surgery.


Who is Suitable for HIFU NANOZELLE


Suitable candidates are people aged 30 years and above and who have seen that the skin on their neck or face has become laxer and want to lift plus tighten the relevant areas.

For clients in their thirties, it’s used to stimulate the production of collagen, thus help in delaying the ageing process. Most of the times, patients in their forties and fifties are known to be the most common age groups who usually have this treatment.

The treatment is also for people aged 60 and above provided the laxity degree isn’t too great. Additionally, it is suitable for people who have had surgery previously to extend surgical facelifts effects.


Can you Combine HIFU with Other Treatments?


HIFU is often used alongside other treatments for enhancing results like our fat freezing treatments for other parts of the body.

How Many Treatments Will I Need? How many treatments you require will depend on your skin. In some cases, only one treatment is required.

In others however, 2 or 3 subsequent treatments may be recommended every three months followed by a once-a-year maintenance treatment.  



                 MAIN APPLICATIONS:


  • Smoothen the skin

  • Non-surgical facelifting

  • Correction of the facial shape

  • Lifting of the cheeks

  • Signs of aging

  • Reduce wrinkles and forehead lines

  • Lifting of nasolabial folds

  • Chin reduction and enhance the jawline definition

  • Loose and sagging skin

  • Tightening sagging neck skin, which is often called 'turkey neck'

  • Skin-smoothing treatment post liposuction


This technology makes use of HIFU ( High intensity focused ultrasound) to create skin coagulation on the targeted layer of the skin. The micro thermal effect from the HIFU creates uniform dots within the skin which in turn stimulates collagen growth, face lifting and skin tightening within that area. 


The main layer that’s being targeted in the HIFU Face Lift is the SMAS layer. The superficial muscular aponeurotic system (SMAS) layer is a layer of tissue deep within the skin that provides support for important structures for the face. A surgical face lift would target this layer in order to create a face lift. HIFU Face Lift at this layer lifts and rejuvenates, thereby reducing signs of aging.

What do HIFU results look like?


See for yourself!

Here are six examples of pictures taken before and after a HIFU treatment. Bear in mind that these are results shown immediately after the treatment finished and HIFU results continuously improve over the following three to six months, meaning these improvements are just the beginning. Skin is tightened, wrinkles smoothed, and sagging jowls or hanging skin are pulled back into place. Each of these patients was treated with a NANOZELLE HIFU device.

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